Thursday, March 3, 2011

Soup IS Good Food!*

Soup. I just love the word. Soup. My acupuncturist once told me that the Chinese view of the stomach is that it is like a big pot of soup. She was advising me against cold drinks. "You wouldn't put ice cubes in a big pot of warm soup, would you?" That's logical.

I'm thinking about becoming a soup specialist. But I don't find that many good recipes. I mostly stick to the standards: fresh tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, and vichyssoise. At this point in my life, I can hardly stand canned soup.

Please tell me about your favorite soup. I want to know.

*A note to the Campbell's Soup Company: Please don't sue me for using your slogan. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. One of our most common soups (my husband makes this) is, after making stock from a chicken we ate, strain it, add brown rice and any veg that is in the refrigator. He especially likes to add brussel sprouts. Simple, and it cures anything!
