Friday, August 5, 2011


I have been out of the blogosphere for a few months. I haven't felt like writing. My cooking became very banal and un-noteworthy. I gave in to hot dogs, sliced apples, tiny apple sauce containers, canned olives, and canned oranges for my kid. She went from an adventurous eater to a bland eater (as kids do), and I just gave in.

For myself and my husband, I stopped cooking almost altogether. The weather here has had a huge impact on my attitude. Making food is a chore, and in the spring & summer I want to devote myself to more fun pursuits (like laying around).

We were in Oregon for his family reunion the week before last. We were treated to a very special anniversary party for Ted & Harriet, a couple that has been a cornerstone for many area families. They ran an adoption agency for most of their adult life, and themselves adopted countless kids, who now have kids of their own. Their 50th wedding anniversary was especially sweet and touching because they both have a different form of cancer. And, the party was in a barn.

It was catered by vegan caterers (though not all the food was vegan), and naturally, talk turned to eating styles. It's very interesting listening to people talk about this topic. It's a more passion-filled discussion than talking about politics or raising children. I love it. It's like, when a person makes a decision to conform to a diet that isn't the norm, people feel compelled to question it. And they even act like it's some freaky thing. Like vegans are freaks.

So I questioned myself: What is it about the vegan diet that turns me off? Is it:

1) That vegans seem so righteous
2) No cheese
3) Way too much tofu and tempeh
4) Too difficult to make food taste good without the aid of animal fat?

Well, I decided I had to find out. So I have been to the library, and have vegan cookbooks. I am going to look into this. I want to expand my diet, not limit it. There is no way I'm giving up cheese as a matter of principal, nor for health. No way.

Please stay tuned.