Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's a New Age

Folks, you are watching me change before your very eyes! Spending so much time at 3 Treasures Community Acupuncture has me developing a taste for New Age music. Yup, you heard me. NEW AGE MUSIC. I find myself shopping on iTunes for the best stuff. I know it sounds crazy, but let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I went to college at the University of California Santa Cruz. If you know anything about the school, enough said. But if you don't, here's some tidbits:

1) No grades.
2) Big Environmental Studies program (back in '86 this was unheard of).
3) Shirt & shoes optional in class.
4) It's in the redwood forest overlooking Monterey Bay.
5) Longhairs, longhairs, longhairs.

Also, the town of Santa Cruz is THE hippie 60's throwback town. At least until the earthquake. Of course, now it's probably rivaled by Burlington, VT, or some place like that. But I digress.

I eat well. I eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. I used to be a vegetarian. Then I was "vegetarian-like." Now I'm an omnivore. I love meat! (But of course, I buy only the most responsible meat, because I just can't stand the thought of factory farming.) I bring my own bags to the grocery store. I shop at farmers' markets.

OK. None of this no big deal, right? I'm not special. I've always leaned towards the recycle, reuse, compost. And now I like New Age music. My acupuncturist has me off coffee and sugar. Yikes!

What's happening? I am scared. What if I want to do some crackpot diet like Only Lemon Juice for 10 Days? I once knew a woman in SC who only ate tomatoes. Exclusively. I am really scared I might be losing my mind. So if you catch me wanting to change my diet (or my daughter's) to some crazy shit like that, please put a stop to it.

But, there's probably no real danger here. After all, I still swear publicly. Also, I shave my legs if they are going to show. And while Ariel was napping today, I spent about 20 minutes plucking my eyebrows. So I think I'm safe from becoming a total naturalist freak.

Neighbors, if you see me naked in the yard, call the police!


  1. Just keep that Yanni s*** to yourself!

  2. That lemon juice diet also includes maple syrup and cayanne pepper (don't forget the laxative tea for the full effect!)
