Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Post on Seasonal Disorders

I had lost my way. I stopped posting on facebook, quit checking email, and even told the preschool co-op that I really do NOT want to be part of a yahoo group. I lost touch with the world on the Internet, only occasionally posting on this blog, and doing it reluctantly. I confess, I am Old School. I prefer to call people on the phone, and I prefer that they call me (on my land-line, please). I'm sorry; I just got so bored with all the trivialities. I got a new iPod so that I could listen to podcasts in the kitchen, and hell if I can figure the damn thing out. I start to relate to "old people" who think computers are just too hard. I'm a slow-paced gal. I read books. I rest. If I'm up in the middle of the night, I worry. I don't get on my computer and do stuff. I don't sew cute clothes until I drop from fatigue.

Then autumn hit. Suddenly. And I, suddenly, went into Winter mode. Laying in bed, doing nothing. I was in shock. My personal problems seemed about a hundred times amplified. Scared, tired, scared. Winter is coming.

If you live here in Minnesota, you know that the coming of winter is very, very scary. We don't go around exhibiting these fears out loud, like, "I am so frightened! Do you know what's coming?! Shut all the doors and batten the hatches! Aghhhh...!!!!!" But deep down inside, that's what we are feeling. We communicate about it by saying, "Boy, it's gettin' cold out," or "Yeah, fall's on it's way," or "Soon, we'll be raking all these damn leaves." And as you know, I am very in touch with myself, and so I, like, FREAK OUT when something disturbs me. And then I get over it.

I'm over it now (hey, only 2 weeks)! Also, I get to go to North Carolina to see my new niece this weekend, and it's hot there. Yay! I watched NewScandCook and learned about fall root vegetables. I bought this crazy-ass turnip at the farmer's market. (Note the pun. If you mention the pun in a comment, I will send you an original artwork made only by me. I promise.)

I have been thinking a lot about you, and how to help you with dinner. My experimentation lately has been rather unsuccessful, and yet, fun! You will be the first to know when I have a recipe that will actually help you in your day-to-day life. I promise.


  1. Sweet cheeks on that turnip! Can't wait to hear what you do with it! I look forward to winter - really. Warm, beautiful weather is so much pressure. I feel like I have to take advantage of every minute, spending time outdoors and being productive. Winter gives me a guilt-free excuse to curl up on the couch under a blanket and take it easy!

  2. I much prefer the taste of the Sweet Ass Turnip to that of the Ugly Ass Turnip.

    And I second Katie's thought- bring on the autumn coolth!

  3. The Ugly-Ass artwork I won for commenting on this is one of the coolest-Ass cards I've ever gotten.
